The safety of our guests and staff members are utmost importance. At Villa Naga Maya, we take a serious precautionary measures regarding the coronavirus to protect the safety and security of our beloved guests and staffs. Therefore, Villa Naga Maya is implementing enhanced hygiene and safety protocols to provide guests with peace of mind when visiting our Villa during ” The New Normal “.
Some key elements of this policy include physical distancing, reinforced cleaning procedures, mandatory hand washing, regular use of hand sanitizers and sterilizing operational equipment as recommended by the tourism and health authorities.
Let’s take a look at the steps being taken at Villa Naga Maya
- Villa staffs are trained in appropriate guidelines, according to WHO ( World Health Organization )
- Wearing mandatory mask & hand gloves during villa cleaning
- Hand hygiene has been elevated in all villa area
- Increased frequency and intensity of cleaning protocols
- Regular disinfection of commonly touched surfaces (door handles, desk, sun bed etc)
- Hand sanitizers made available in every villa
Alongside these new measures, our aim is to ensure that our standard hygiene and safety protocols do not compromise Villa Naga Maya guest’s happiness or hospitality experience.